Monday, February 25, 2008


This has been quite a month for us. The kids and I had a wonderful time putting on a Valentine Party for the home school kids. It was a lot of fun. I was surprised how calm it was for the amount of children that were here in my little house. They were all excellent and we were able to have a good time.

September and I decorating for the party!
Our little group of home schooled children!
Our house has sold and we are in the process of moving. Yesterday we went and picked colors for the house we are going to have built. We are submitting the paperwork today and hopefully everything will go through without fail. We are quite excited, however, we are going to be moving into a rental that is absolutely tiny. It has to be no more than 750 square feet. Seriously!! It is a roof over our head until we have our home. We are really excited. I will give details once everything goes through.
My first couple days worth of packing!

September is really excited about all the changes and is very helpful with the packing and liked helping pick house colors with me. She let me know that we did not pick but one thing that she would have picked however. September is doing excellent with her piano and has started her next set of books.

Derek is very excited about the move also but his ankle and elbow are hurt. His cat Solo passed away this weekend and he is very sad. Solo was Dereks comfort alot of the time when he was hurt. Solo will be missed. Derek started guitar lessons this month also. He is learning with his daddy. Once we get in the rental and his elbow heals a bit more he will be able to continue. He is very excited over his new guitar and learning with his dad.

Wynter is just excited for change. We have been selling a few furniture items and have boxes here and there. She asked me if the new owners were going to keep our belongings along with the house. I assured her that we would be able to take her toys and our possessions. Selling her bed made it more real for her. She is taking it as an adventure.

Autumn is really growing. She is 19 pounds (she is a little chunk) and rolled over from her tummy to her back this month. She is an excellent baby. She had here first cereal and baby food this month also. She is a little piggy for sure. She likes her baby rice ok but is really enjoying her banana stage 1 baby food. We are about to try some other flavors here soon! Her hand eye coordination is getting quite good. She makes the cutest little face when she is concentrating on something. She has been alot of fun this month.

This month has been quite stressful and exciting all at the same time for Kevin and I. I know time will fly by and everything will be in place for school to start. My goal is to be in our new home before school starts so that everything can be organized. I am looking forward to that moment.


Cherrie said...

I am so excited for you. I feel like its christmas for you. So much has happened this month for you guys. Thank you for having the valentines party it turned out so nice for the kids. I hope you keep your internet so we can stay posted on the house being built.

Jules said...

I am also very excited for you guys! Hopefully things will go quickly with building the house so you don't have to stay in that tiny place very long. But it will all be worth it! It is so awesome that you have such a good helper! Sorry about Derek's cat, I always felt very sad when one of my animals died :( I know that Wynter will be happy with the new house, it is hard for her to imagine what it will be like. And WOW, I can't beleive how fast Autumn is growing! I am still so happy about the changes that you've helped me do in my daily life. You'd be proud of me ;) BTW, I see a lot of your comments on everyone else's blog, but seem to have forgotten me ;) Anyways, hopefully we can have you guys over sometime soon, we really enjoy your company! Our offer still stand if you need any help moving, we're just a phone call away.

meNmykids said...

Wow! Sounds like life is just booming around your place. Hope Derick is soon better and so sorry for him losing his pet. It is nice to have a good helper when you've got a big job ahead of you. I love the pictures.

Sabriena said...

Sounds like you're busy. Your baby sounds so cute! Too bad about Solo.

Trina said...

Wow you have had a lot going on!! I can't believe your house sold already, how incredibly exciting!! Den would love to build someday, but I dont know.......hehehe

Thanks for the updates on your beautiful children. You sound like you have your act together and you are cool under pressure. I totally admire that!

Mrs.Martin said...

Hi Sister Michelle,

Your Valentine's decor was very cute and your house was full. How fun.

But I am so excited your house SOLD! That is so wonderful! Now it is time to move on to your little adventure between homes, while the kids continue taking their music lessons. How great is that? Sometimes houses sit for a long time on the market and I am so glad your house sold so quickly.
I am sure you will make your small home work well with your organizational skills.

I had to laugh out loud about your description of little Autumn. Cute and Chubby.

Better go.. this comment is getting long.

Sister Teresa Martin

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Home Theater, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Kalisha said...
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Kalisha said...

I set my blog to private, so if you want to be able to read my blogs, you can get my e-mail address from Aunt Sylvia.

meNmykids said...

I'm setting my blog to private, please email me at with your email address so that I can invite you.