Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Well Autumn has turned three months and life is getting back to a new normal. We took her to get her pictures taken and they turned out adorable. I will have to put them on when I receive them.
Kevin and I have put our house up on the market and hope it sells so we can be in a new house for the next school year. I am very excited to have more space. I have been very busy needless to say. Getting the house ready and keeping it perfect for prospective buyers keeps me on my toes.
School is finally going good and I am getting back to my lists and staying organized. Autumn is trying to roll over and batting at toys. She is a little chatter box and has the cutties little smile. We are really enjoying the precious little moments. She is already 15 lbs. She is my chubby little cherub.

My grandma Acree sent this outfit and made this little blanket and pillow set for Autumn.

I think it is beautiful.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A New Year 2007

The last month of 2007 has been a doozy. We got hit with the ice storm and had a backyard full of downed limbs to clean up. Our house ended up having damage that had to be turned into insurance so we are in the process of getting this fixed. This was all the more disappointing because we had planned to put our house on the market January 3rd. We will end up putting it on the market in February or March now.

Autumn has turned 2 months and is becoming all smiles. I love when babies start smiling and could not wait for the moment she looked at me and smiled knowing it was her mother. She is a very good baby and very content. Something I desperately prayed for when I was pregnant knowing I was going to have alot on my plate after she was born. She is a blessing and I absolutely enjoy her.

2007 was a rough year for my family. I was pregnant and miserable for most of it and it really effected what our family was able to do. Derek was injured for the majority of the year and we had to stay in for almost 2 months because the kids all got the chicken pox one at a time.

Never the less we are looking forward to the new year. I have my goals set and hope to be in a new slightly larger house by summer. We are growing out of our first home. Everyone is ready for the change. Derek when he heard us talking about selling this house was quit sad. His eyes filled up with tears because he knows nothing else. He has lived here 8 out of his 9 years. He is very sentimental.

I am starting school back up and have no idea how I will have time in the day for everything. I am just going to stick to my lists and accomplish as much as possible without falling over from exhaustion.

My goal for 2007 sounds quite simple but it is going to be difficult for me. I have a fault that is usually only unleashed here in my house and only my family sees it. I can become quite the grouch. Especially when I get over whelmed. What comes with grouchiness? Yelling!! This is something I am going to have to over come for my families sake. I know when I am getting grouchy because I feel it all over. I have a plan to just take a breathe, slow down, and say a prayer. Hopefully this will work. Counting to 10 does not work for me and I know I need Gods help with this. Other than that I plan to continue to try and keep a healthy lifestyle and love my kids to pieces. September will be 12 this year and I want to build my relationship with her. I am not looking forward for her to becoming a young kid. It is only a step closer to her growing up and finding her own way. I am not ready for this for some reason it makes me sad. She is still my little girl. I think I have a problem with letting go, it just makes me sad. I will have to pray about that too I think. All I want for Derek is health. He is becoming a little man and I just want to show him as much love as possible. I want him to have a good year. Wynter I have to get on the ball. She should be reading in a couple months and I just want to find the time to give her the attention she needs. She is my most demanding child for sure. I have to have patience with her this year to teach her to be a young lady. Last but not least I just want to continue to build a loving relationship with my companion. I want to be a help meet to him in the faith and as his wife.

I really want to stay organized and I want to have a good school year.