Thursday, April 10, 2008

Moving On

Wow what a whirlwind the last two months have been. Selling our house and moving was an experience in itself. Autumn was a wonderful baby and I thought we were going to have this move done without any hitches. Then the drama started happening. This special day was two days before signing on the house. We were getting the last little things out of the house and was going to start cleaning so we ordered pizza. I asked September to put the boxes in the oven on low to keep them warm for when Kevin gets home. So she did so (the wonderful daughter she is). After a few minutes I smell something burning. I walk into the kitchen and think "PIZZA!!". I open the oven and the top box is on fire. September just piled the boxes in the oven without separating them on the racks. I grab the boxes and throw them in the sink. Then spray water on them because they actually have flame. Needless to say two out the three pizzas were ruined. All I can think of is I hope the oven is not ruined and I can get the smell out of the house by the walk through. I did:)

Kevin gets home and we eat our burnt pizza and load up our vehicles with the first of what is supposed to be many loads. We get a couple of miles from the rental and I stop at an intersection stop light. The light turns green and I start across the intersection picking up speed. Then our dog (Daisy) falls/jumps out of the moving vehicle. No, I am not joking. I immediately and instinctively pull the car over to the curb jump out and run to get my yelping dog out of the middle of the intersection. I have blood all over me and have no idea what part of Daisy is actually bleeding. Later I find out from Kevin, who was a couple cars behind, that the bystanders had their jaws hanging open in awe at what they just saw. I then run back to the car hand the pup over to September and speed home. Derek and September were with me and were crying and frantically asking me questions if Daisy was dying. I told them to stop it and that the best thing they could do right now for Daisy was to pray. I get in the driveway and rush Daisy into the house and lay her in the bath tub to examine her. She was really skinned up. Mainly on one leg (all you see is muscle) and she can not put any pressure on her other front leg. It did not feel broke but needed wrapped also. Surprisingly other than minor cuts she seemed ok but in shock. Kevin rushed to the store for first aid supplies. We all prayed for her and wrapped her wound. To make an even longer story short. Daisy is fine. She is healed and acting like her old self. It was truly a miracle for my children to see. I love when God allows us these opportunities to see miracles. They can be stressful and scary but if you trust in the Lord for all things he can do all things. My children were shown this through our little dog.

Through the last couple months we have also celebrated Wynters birthday and Easter. We tried to make both these occasions special during all the hecticness.

I have been trying so hard to get organized in this rental. I did not now what to do with myself the first couple of weeks. I was quite disoriented from not having a dishwasher and not having much space. I am finally getting organized and have my lists started. I am going to start a nutritional class for my children and have invited any of the home school parents from church who are interested. I will have my school for the coming year ordered next week and I feel like I am going to be getting back on track. We are having major plumbing problems right now but it should be taken care of tomorrow. They have to dig up the pipes in the back yard. We have lived most of the week having to watch how much water we put out.

All in all I am getting back on track. Lord willing our house will done in July. That sounds so very exciting to me.

I am unable to upload pictures right now. I will try soon.