Wednesday, December 5, 2007

One Month Old and Everything Girlie

Autumn has turned one month old. Time has really flew by. I am trying to enjoy every moment. She is already changing tremendously. She is talking her baby babble and smiling to my voice. I am still waiting for that little giggle to come out. Autumn is a very good baby. She really only cries when she is in need of something. We are all enjoying her. She is growing like a weed. She weighs 11lbs 8ozs.

Well, I have to say my house seems more girlie than it did before. Pink and Purple seem to be on my mind every time I go shopping ( pink is winning out as you can see). To tell you the truth it is really fun. Autumn has been fairly easy to shop for. With Wynter I had a hard time finding everything pink but with Autumn it is a theme that is more popular so I have had a less challenging time.

Pink, Pink, Pink, don't you love it!!!

This play gym and bouncer were fun finds.

Autumn is sitting in her new swing from Meme & Pampa.
I fell in love with this pink and brown pattern as soon as I saw it.
This is the theme for our pack and play and stroller combo also.

Love It!!!


Wow, how time flies when your having fun. I am so busy right now it is crazy. Derek is injured, Wynter is sick, and I have Autumn who is really quit good but still demanding all the same. Kevin, September, and me are all well at the moment.

I am trying to not let time get away from me but it is almost impossible. Autumn is already talking her baby talk, so sweet. She is looking me in the eye now and smiling at my voice. She is so adorable. I can't help but enjoy buying everything girlie for her. With Wynter is was hard to find pinks and purples but this time around it has been fun and easy.

I can not explain how thrilled and blessed I am to have a family with four children. I have always wanted at least four children and I have made it to this great place in my life.