Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day

I had such a wonderful Mother's Day yesterday. Each of my children picked me an individual gift this year and they were all so excited. My little Wynter bought me some Oil of Olay lotion. She was quit impressed with her purchase and just about could not hold back telling me before giving it to me. Derek, my handsome little gentlemen, bought me a heart necklace. It is very pretty and I will treasure it always because he picked it out for me. September, who I was told was very indecisive in picking out my gift, gave me a very pretty gold watch with a heart shape face. She knows her mama well. they also gave me a card that they each colored pieces of and took an hour to make. They made it with lots of love and care. I loved all of my gifts especially the hugs and kisses. My husband of course surprised me. I have been wanting to go to a musical called Mama Mia!. It is full of Abba songs, which I grew up on, and is a comedy. Well I had given up on going because Mother's Day weekend was its last showing. Kevin got tickets for the last showing Sunday evening. Yay!! We had a wonderful night laughing and enjoying the musical. I would recommend it to anyone who has the opportunity to go see it. Kevin and the kids made this Mothers Day memorable. I felt very loved and appreciated this Mothers Day!